What You Shouldn’t Do During a Bathroom Remodel — Blog

Gordon Reese
4 min readNov 4, 2021


Choosing to have a bathroom remodel done in your home is a wise choice, both for your overall satisfaction with your space as well as aiding in your home’s resale value. However, with any home remodeling project comes some common missteps that have the potential to make your project stressful and time-consuming. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid so you don’t let them happen during your remodel:

Mistake #1: Choosing the Wrong Remodeling Company

Finding the right professional to guide you through your remodeling process is one of the most crucial steps in the entire project, if not the most important. The problem is, taking this step can be difficult-especially if you’ve never gone through a bathroom renovation before. Don’t assume an inexpensive contractor is going to give you a high-quality finished product-oftentimes you do not get the right bang you’d expect for your buck!. The truth is: you get what you pay for, and sometimes it’s even more than that. As a precaution, don’t ever work with an unlicensed contractor or any uninsured company, as there could be unforeseen consequences that will cost you dearly. You want someone that can help to guide you through every step of your remodel.

Mistake #2: Not Planning Ahead

The next mistake that homeowners make during their bathroom remodeling project is by not planning ahead. The more time you spend planning out your remodeling, the easier it will be for everyone involved. First, you want to have an exact idea of what you’re going for before breaking ground. Having a solid, beloved design is imperative for any remodeling project, so everyone participating in it knows what they’re building. Even so, expensive surprises can rear their ugly heads once you start opening up walls. The last thing anyone wants is a misguided contractor who put on the tiles incorrectly because it wasn’t clear in the design where they were meant to go. Research is one thing, but not having enough information to make an educated decision is another. If you don’t do your homework before designing your bathroom remodel, then you’ll end up wasting lots of time and money. You may also find yourself getting stuck with a purchase you later regret, due to the fact you failed to do your research before choosing a product.

Mistake #3: DIY-Remodeling to Save Money

You’ve probably heard it said before that “a penny saved is a penny earned.” While this old adage certainly makes sense, many homeowners make the mistake of assuming that saving money on their bathroom remodeling means doing it themselves-rather than hiring professional bathroom remodelers. However, bathroom remodels require extensive planning and technical know-how. In fact, the bathroom is one of the most difficult rooms in the home to remodel correctly, as there are multiple challenges along the way such as plumbing, electricity, and ventilation. Not only that, but a bathroom is used numerous times daily by every occupant of the house, so it’s a costly frustration, should it be remodeled incorrectly. If you attempt to do it yourself, it will likely take you much longer than expected, resulting in more money lost. Not only that, you run the risk of not completing the project effectively or running into a problem you cannot solve. If done wrong, a bathroom remodel can result in thousands of dollars worth of damage, or even liability issues. Save yourself time and money by hiring a professional expert for this project, rather than putting that pressure on yourself amidst all the risks.

Mistake #4: Thinking the Project Can Be Rushed Through

You likely have an idea of how bathroom remodeling can be a time-consuming and tedious process, but what you should also realize is that your bathroom remodel can easily be botched if you’re not careful from the beginning. If you hurry through, you run the risk of making mistakes that will end up costing money to fix later on or even causing accidents. If you rush through it yourself, you can run the risk of a burst pipe, costing thousands of dollars in avoidable damage. Let this serve as a reminder that you should take as much time as needed to plan and carry out your bathroom remodel effectively-rather than rushing through it as quickly as possible. Working with a professional who has been in the business can save you time and money, as well as give you realistic expectations of the process so you can plan ahead properly.

Mistake #5: Thinking That Bathroom Remodel is a One-Time Project

When you keep your focus on the final product and don’t have plans in place to implement continual improvements or upkeep, then your bathroom will start to become dated over time. On the other hand, if you plan for small changes and updates from the very beginning, it will be much easier for you to stay ahead of the curve. Keep your bathroom’s design modern and updated by envisioning continuous, incremental improvements that can contribute to the space over time to maximize and maintain the functionality of the space you use the most, every single day.

Concerned? Confused? Don’t Know How to Start? We Have You Covered!

Interested in finally getting to that bathroom remodel you’ve been dreaming of? Gordon Reese Design Build can assist with any questions you may have and will help to guide you through your project every step of the way. We’ll do all we can to meet your needs. It’s easy to book a call with myself or a senior member of the team here, or call us at (925) 885–3770. Let’s get started with creating your dream space today!

Originally published at https://gordonreese.com on November 4, 2021.



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